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Receive push data in R Shiny application

I have a simple python program, which should push its data into an R Shiny application. These lines in Shiny parse the "GET" input:

  # Parse the GET query string
  output$queryText <- renderText({
    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    eventList[query$eventid] <<- query$event

This works fine with a browser calling "". If I try to call the URL in python I get a "Connection reset by peer" in R and nothing is added to the list. My Python code so far:

request = urllib2.Request("")
test = urllib2.urlopen(request)

Does anyone know how to get this working or has a better solution to push data from outside into an R Shiny application?

Thanks for help!


  • My complete solution using websockets with httpuv:

    startWSServer <- function(){
       app <- list(
          onWSOpen = function(ws) {
             ws$onMessage(function(binary, message) {
                #handle your message, for example save it somewhere 
                #accessible by Shiny application, here it is just printed
                ws$send("message received")
       server <<- startDaemonizedServer("", 9454, app)
    stopWSServer <- function(){
       server <<- NULL

    Hope this helps ;)