I generate a matrix with randoms using Armadillo package (v.7.300.1) under cygwin64 (or minGW):
int main(){
arma::mat(3,3, arma::fill::randu).print();
return 0;
The program (after re-build or re-run) always generates:
0.6900 0.5548 0.2074
0.5054 0.3784 0.6263
0.5915 0.2577 0.3401
Why is it always the same? What's wrong?
You forgot to set the seed to introduce randomness. Recall that all (Q)RNGs are deterministic. What you see here, Conrad would call a feature.
From the docs:
To change the RNG seed, use
A slightly repaired version of your file:
/tmp$ cat armaRand.cpp
int main(){
arma::mat(3,3, arma::fill::randu).print();
/tmp$ g++ -o armaRand armaRand.cpp
/tmp$ ./armaRand
0.8824 0.4457 0.3589
0.7134 0.4768 0.8335
0.0171 0.4119 0.3720
/tmp$ ./armaRand
0.3417 0.3643 0.6865
0.2814 0.0191 0.6797
0.9737 0.1593 0.5013
If you want reproducible results you want to use the other variant and keep track of the seed value.
Edit: In late 2018 with newer version of Armadillo, linking appears now to be required so please make it g++ -o armaRand armaRand.cpp -larmadillo
. The rest still holds: by seeding the random number generator with (sufficiently) random bits we do get different answers as expected.