I want to send an Alt combination to another window within a on-screen keyboard. With combination I mean when you hold down Alt and enter a number or hexadecimal(registry key has to be set for hex) combination:
ALT down, Add press, 2 press, 5 press, 1 press, ALT up
I tried
but it's Alt+Add 2 5 1
but it's Alt+Add Alt+2 Alt+5 Alt+1
but it's Alt and then the other keys pressed simultaneously
Any suggestions for a solution with SendKeys or other classes?
[Edit] Solution:
Example for CharCode (Element of enum Source): ʊ = &H28A
Dim CharCodeUnicodeStr As String = Hex(CInt([Enum].Parse(GetType(Source), CharStr))).ToString
SendKeys.SendWait("%{ADD}%" & ChrW(Convert.ToInt32(CharCodeUnicodeStr, 16)))
Have you tried
SendKeys.SendWait("%{ADD}%" & ChrW(&H251))
This will convert your hexa code into a char. Then if you have control over the other application you can revert this char back to a number...