I have the following ng-repeat
that work fine.
<div ng-repeat="data in workflow.flow | orderBy:'+step_number'" ng-init="$stepIndex = workflow.flow.indexOf(data)">
{{ workflow.flow[$stepIndex].step_number }}
"tasks":[ { "id":"1334f68e3f20f665" } ]
"tasks":[ { "id":"134972c5b420e027" } ]
"tasks":[ { "id":"1334f68ef6209ae7" } ]
This is how it displays in my html:
I have the below function that adds a step into the middle of an array:
$scope.insertStep = function() {
var insertStepIndex = 1,
task_data = {"id": null, "step_number": (insertStepIndex+2), "tasks": []};
//go through each item in the array
$.each($scope.workflow.flow, function(index, step){
//if the step number is greater then the place you want to insert it into, increase the step numbers
if(step.step_number > $scope.workflow.flow[insertStepIndex].step_number) step.step_number++;
$scope.workflow.flow.splice((insertStepIndex+1), 0, task_data);
For some reason, the array with id 1334f68e7d209ae6 get's changed to step_number: 4
but get's completely ignored in the ng-repeat
This is what is displayed:
And when I console.log $scope.workflow.flow
this is what I see:
"tasks":[ { "id":"1334f68e3f20f665" } ]
"tasks":[ { "id":"134972c5b420e027" } ]
"tasks":[ { "id":"1334f68ef6209ae7" } ]
Does anyone know why this would happen?
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.workflow = {
flow: [
"tasks":[ { "id":"1334f68e3f20f665" } ]
"tasks":[ { "id":"134972c5b420e027" } ]
"tasks":[ { "id":"1334f68ef6209ae7" } ]
$scope.insertStep = function() {
var insertStepIndex = 1,
task_data = {"id": null, "step_number": (insertStepIndex+2), "tasks": []};
//go through each item in the array
$.each($scope.workflow.flow, function(index, step){
//if the step number is greater then the place you want to insert it into, increase the step numbers
if(step.step_number > $scope.workflow.flow[insertStepIndex].step_number) step.step_number++;
$scope.workflow.flow.splice((insertStepIndex+1), 0, task_data);
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.3.14/angular.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<div ng-click="insertStep()">Insert Step</div><br /><br />
<div ng-repeat="data in workflow.flow | orderBy:'+step_number'" ng-init="$stepIndex = workflow.flow.indexOf(data)">
{{ workflow.flow[$stepIndex].step_number }}
It was because ng-init
was only running once, not again when the array was updated. I have to use this instead:
$scope.getIndex = function(data) {
return $scope.workflow.flow.indexOf(data);
Like so:
{{ workflow.flow[getIndex(data)].step_number }}