I'm trying to read a CSV file and turn it into an array like this.
$h = fopen("onderdelen-test.csv", "r");
echo '$parts = array(';
if($h) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($h, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
foreach ($data as $num) {
$part = explode(';', "$num");
echo "array('partid' => '$part[0]', ";
echo "'descr' => '$part[1]'), ";
echo ')';
The csv looks like this
123456 ; partdescription
234567 ; partdescription, anotherdescription
345678 ; part, description and some other description
The problem is that it also explodes on commas and not only on the semicolon. I've tried adding quotes around the description but did put some weird questionmarks around the description that I could not get rid of.
Edit 1: If I used the semicolon as delimiter in the fgetcsv function, then I can't retrieve the values by key, it just starts another loop everytime a semicolon is found.
Keeping it simple as all you are trying to do is see what is produced from this input before progressing on to bigger things
123456 ; partdescription
234567 ; partdescription, anotherdescription
345678 ; part, description and some other description
This code, note I have added the third parameter to the fgetcsv
$h = fopen("onderdelen-test.csv", "r");
if($h) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($h, 1000, ';')) !== FALSE) {
echo "partid = " . trim($data[0]) . "\n";
echo "descr = " . trim($data[1]) . "\n";
Produces this output
[0] => 123456
[1] => partdescription
partid = 123456
descr = partdescription
[0] => 234567
[1] => partdescription, anotherdescription
partid = 234567
descr = partdescription, anotherdescription
[0] => 345678
[1] => part, description and some other description
partid = 345678
descr = part, description and some other description