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Breakpoints with pry-byebug don't trigger in the console

I'm trying to use pry and pry-byebug to step through the execution of some code in a Rails console. I started the console with

pry -r ./config/environment

I then set a breakpoint:

break Foo#bar

Then make a new Foo and call bar on it:

I expected step into Foo#bar, but instead the method just executed normally.

Is there some way to get this workflow to work?


  • I found the answer: the debugger is not re-entrant. So you need to do this:

    [1] pry(main)> binding.pry
    [1] pry(main)> break Foo#bar
    Breakpoint 1: Foo#bar (Enabled) :
    6: def bar
    7: end
    [2] pry(main)> c # continue and exit the debugger we started on the first line
    => nil
    [3] pry(main)>
    Breakpoint 1. First hit.