I have 2 comboboxes for the font and the fontsize. When I click them it changes the font size or the font in my richtextbox. Now I want it to work like in word. If the line you just moved to is in a different font or size. It should detect that and change the comboxes to match the font and size of the current line. Somoeone else asked this same question and got a result which didn't work for me. It was as follows
private void richTextBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("we got here"); // this is my added part to let me know if the code is even getting executed. It is not.
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = 1;
richTextBox1.SelectionLength = 1;
comboBox1.Text = richTextBox1.SelectionFont.ToString();
comboBox2.Text = null;
comboBox2.Text = richTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size.ToString();
I held out hope that it was my answer but I could not see how SelectionFont would make any difference when nothing was selected. Also the richTextBox1_SelectionChanged event seems to not be being called when I move through the document with the up/down arrows. The problem is not with the comboboxes, the problem is that as I arrow through my document I need to be able to know what font and size it is at the caret position so it can fire an event to change the combo boxes to match.
You should save the values for the new comboBox position temporarily in variables, otherwise if you do it directly
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = comboBox1.FindStringExact(richTextBox1.SelectionFont.Name);
the comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged event will be immediately called and could affect the results.
So just try:
private void richTextBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int comboBox1Index = comboBox1.FindStringExact(richTextBox1.SelectionFont.Name);
int comboBox2Index = comboBox2.FindStringExact(richTextBox1.SelectionFont.Size.ToString());
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = comboBox1Index;
comboBox2.SelectedIndex = comboBox2Index;