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Tensorflow: how to install roi_pooling user_op

I read in this post by HediBy that this ROI_POOLING user_op implementation works: LINK

I used bazel build

-c opt //tensorflow/core/ to generate the so file (after installing tensorflow)

But when I use tf.load_op_library to load, I get this weird error:

 tensorflow.python.framework.errors.NotFoundError: /home/fishdrop/tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/core/user_ops/ undefined symbol: _Z21ROIPoolForwardLaucherPKffiiiiiiS0_PfPiRKN5Eigen9GpuDeviceE

Any ideas? has anyone else been successful with this user_op?


  • thanks for the tip i just found out that the error occured when I built the user_op without GPU support. I reinstalled tensorflow v 0.10, with GPU support, and placed all user_op files inside //tensorflow/core/us‌​er_ops.

    If I compile the user_op using bazel build -c opt --config=cuda //tensorflow/core/us‌​ (the addition of --config=cuda isn't in the tensorflow user_op documentation), the user_op now works.. I guess this issue could now be closed