I'm trying to write CSS stylesheet dynamically but Flex 4 requires that you declare the namespace in the Style markup.
If I have a Spark Button or MX Button class or class instance how would I get the namespace of that button?
So far I've tried this:
var className:Object = getQualifiedClassName(myButton);
var ButtonClass:Object = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition(className);
var button:Object = new ButtonClass();
With that information I can write this:
myButton {
color: red;
I need to create this:
@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
s|Button {
color: red;
I would like to be able to get this information at runtime but design time may be acceptable as well.
It looks like I can't get it at runtime but I can get it XML files from the SDK directory and create a table of classes and their namespace.
In $FlashBuilder/sdks/4.6.0/frameworks/flex-config.xml there is a node called namespaces that contain the URI of the namespace and then a reference to the XML file that contains a list of classes in that namespace.
<!-- Specify a URI to associate with a manifest of components for use as MXML -->
<!-- elements. -->
I can use that information and the MXML document to add the necessary namespace to each node.