Given a sequence like below:-
var list = new[] {"1a", "1b", "1c", "1d", "2a", "3a", "4a", "4b", "5a", "6a", "7a", "7b", "8a"}.Select(x => new { P1 = x.Substring(0,1), P2 = x.Substring(1,1)});
I'd like to remove the duplicates in the "middle" to end up with:-
var expected = new[] {"1a", "1d", "2a", "3a", "4a", "4b", "5a", "6a", "7a", "7b", "8a"}.Select(x => new { P1 = x.Substring(0, 1), P2 = x.Substring(1, 1) });
So any repeats of more than two are stripped out. It's important that I get the first and last duplicate though.
For those that don't Aggregate and want a super short answer using closure here:
var data = new[] { "1a", "1b", "1c", "1d", "2a", "3a", "4a", "4b", "1e", "5a", "6a", "7a", "7b", "8a" };
char priorKey = ' ';
int currentIndex = 0;
var result2 = data.GroupBy((x) => x[0] == priorKey ? new { k = x[0], g = currentIndex } : new { k = priorKey = x[0], g = ++currentIndex })
.Select(i => new[] { i.First(), i.Last() }.Distinct())
.SelectMany(i => i).ToArray();
Hat Tip to @Slai for the code this is based on (I added a fix for the non-continuous group issue.)
Here is how to do it with Aggregate. I didn't test all edge cases... just your test cases.
var list = new[] { "1a", "1b", "1c", "1d", "2a", "3a", "4a", "4b", "5a", "6a", "7a", "7b", "8a" }
.Aggregate(new { result = new List<string>(), first = "", last = "" },
(store, given) =>
var result = store.result;
var first = store.first;
var last = store.last;
if (first == "")
// this is the first one.
first = given;
if (first[0] == given[0])
last = given;
if (last != "")
first = given;
last = "";
return new { result = result, first = first, last = last }; },
(store) => { store.result.Add(store.first); if (store.last != "") store.result.Add(store.last); return store.result; })
.Select(x => new { P1 = x.Substring(0,1), P2 = x.Substring(1,1)});
I create an object to hold the list so far and the first and last known so far.
Then I just apply logic to remove the middle stuff.