i have two collections
CategoryCollection = new Mongo.Collection("CategoryCollection");
usersWordpressCollection = new Mongo.Collection("usersWordpressCollection");
CategoryCollection hold posts within a category, within the posts objects there is the Author, which comes as an id. take a look at the image below, draw your attention to posts.author
usersWordpressCollection holds the authors whose id (see image below) is referenced in categoryCollection under posts.author
when i display a post, its coming from categoryCollection
so i can get the post, the link etc. i can also get the author id however when it comes to this, i want to return, not the id, but the referenced Author information found in the usersWordpressCollection
latest html
<template name="latest">
{{#each articles}}
<li class=" home-latest ">
<span class="label"> <a class="" href="/catsingle/CategorySingle/{{_id}}">{{name}}</a></span>
{{#each posts}}
<div class="card">
<div class="category-img">{{{image}}}</div>
<div class="card-divider">
<div class="card-section">
{{> authors}}
latest js
articles: function () {
var id = FlowRouter.getParam('_id');
return CategoryCollection.find({}, {sort: {date_created: -1}, limit:1}).fetch();
authors html
<template name="authors">
{{#each authors}}
authors js
authors: function () {
var id = this.author;
var alias = usersWordpressCollection.findOne(id, {fields: {name: 1} });
return alias.name;
As you can see, this.author
is the author id found in categoryCollection
. Im trying to find that id in the usersWordpressCollection
matching the author, then i want to display the name field
of the Author whose id was matched. but i can't seen to get it working, how can i achieve this.
Since there is only one author per post you don't need to iterate over a cursor of authors, you only need one. So where you have:
{{#each authors}}
Instead use:
{{#with author}}
Now, the data context coming into the authors
template will be a post
object (since you are within an {{#each posts}}
. You can therefore construct your author
helper as follows:
return usersWordpressCollection.findOne({ id: parseInt(this.author) });
Since you've indicated that this.author
is a string but the id
of your user collection is an integer then you need to convert the type - you can do this directly in your query.