In datalab notebook, I having been stuck in answering y/N in the output prompt.
for example,
If I use !pip install somepackage -y , I can use flag -y to answer yes.
However, when I try to copy some table from one dataset to another, it the destination table already exists, the prompt comes out to ask me to replace the destination table? but I can't type y in notebook, then the notebook will be stuck there.
!bq cp project1:dataset1.table1 project2:dataset2.table2
cp: replace project2:dataset2.table2? (y/N)
There is no flag I can set to overwrite existing destination table, does anyone has any idea how to deal with this kind of situation? Otherwise, the notebook will keep running unless I force to stop it.
Thank you very much!
Adding questioner's comment (not mine) as the answer so that this doesn't appear as an unanswered question. Problem SOLVED! 1. use < !yes | bq cp project1:dataset1.table1 project2:dataset2.table2 > to repalce the destination table' 2. use < !yes n | bq cp ... > to not replace. Thank you.