I'm writing a tool in c++ using RTI DDS 5.2 that needs to detect when DataWriters are deleted and know the type_name
of the related data. I'm using code similar to this and this.
I'm using a DDSWaitSet
and it is getting triggered when a DataWriter is deleted with delete_datawriter
but the SampleInfo indicates that the data is not valid and sure enough, the data sample type_name
is empty.
Is there a way to delete a DataWriter in such a was as to cause the built in topic subscription to get the type_name
? Or is there a QOS setting I can set to fix this behavior?
Found a workaround for this problem. I still don't know how to make it so the data sample is valid when a DataWriter goes away, but the SampleInfo
does have the field instance_state
which uniquely identifies the writer. The solution is to keep track of type_names
when the data is valid and just look it up when it's not. Here is the gist of the code I am using to solve the issue:
struct cmp_instance_handle {
bool operator()(const DDS_InstanceHandle_t& a, const DDS_InstanceHandle_t& b) const {
return !DDS_InstanceHandle_equals(&a, &b);
void wait_for_data_writer_samples()
ConditionSeq cs;
DDSWaitSet* ws = new DDSWaitSet();
StatusCondition* condition = _publication_dr->get_statuscondition();
std::map<DDS_InstanceHandle_t, std::string, cmp_instance_handle> instance_handle_map;
while(true) {
ws->wait(cs, timeout);
PublicationBuiltinTopicDataSeq data_seq;
SampleInfoSeq info_seq;
int len = data_seq.length();
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
DDS_InstanceHandle_t instance_handle = info_seq[i].instance_handle;
if(info_seq[i].valid_data) {
std::string type_name(data_seq[i].type_name);
// store the type_name in the map for future use
instance_handle_map[instance_handle] = type_name;
if(info_seq[i].instance_state == DDS_InstanceStateKind::DDS_ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE) {
else {
// If the data is valid, but not DDS_ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE, the DataWriter died *and* we can
// directly access the type_name so we can handle that case here
else {
// If the data is not valid then the DataWriter is definitely not alive but we can't directly access
// the type_name. Fortunately we can look it up in our map.
// at this point the DataWriter is gone so we remove it from the map.
_publication_dr->return_loan(data_seq, info_seq);