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Store a "pointer to function" in Fortran?

In Fortran, you can pass a function/subroutine A as an argument to another function/subroutine B, but can you store A for later retrieval and use?

for example, this is allowed in C

int foo(float, char, char) { /*whatever*/};

int (*pointerToFunction)(float, char, char);
pointerToFunction = foo;

In Fortran you can pass a subroutine as an argument

subroutine foo
! whatever
end subroutine foo

subroutine bar(func)
    call func
end subroutine bar

program x

    call bar(foo)

end program

but how can you store the address of foo in a similar way to C ?


  • Starting from so-called "Fortran 2003" (ISO/IEC 1539-2004) procedure pointers is a part of the Fortran language. It's definitely of the major new features of Fortran language.

    Usage example from Fortran Wiki.

    Stefano, you mentioned strategy design pattern. In Fortran 2003 you can use pure OOP way to implement it (without procedure pointers). Offhand example:


    module strategies
      implicit none
      public :: strategies_transportation_strategy, &
                strategies_by_taxi_strategy, &
      type, abstract :: strategies_transportation_strategy
        procedure(transportation_strategy_go), deferred :: go
      end type strategies_transportation_strategy
      type, extends(strategies_transportation_strategy) :: strategies_by_taxi_strategy
        procedure :: go => strategies_by_taxi_strategy_go
      end type strategies_by_taxi_strategy
      type, extends(strategies_transportation_strategy) :: strategies_by_bus_strategy
        procedure :: go => strategies_by_bus_strategy_go
      end type strategies_by_bus_strategy
      abstract interface
        subroutine transportation_strategy_go(this)
          import strategies_transportation_strategy
          class(strategies_transportation_strategy), intent(in) :: this
        end subroutine transportation_strategy_go
      end interface
        subroutine strategies_by_taxi_strategy_go(this)
          class(strategies_by_taxi_strategy), intent(in) :: this
          print *, "We are using taxi."
        end subroutine strategies_by_taxi_strategy_go
        subroutine strategies_by_bus_strategy_go(this)
          class(strategies_by_bus_strategy), intent(in) :: this
          print *, "We are using public transport."
        end subroutine strategies_by_bus_strategy_go
    end module strategies


    module vehicles
      use strategies
      implicit none
      public :: vehicles_vehicle, &
                vehicles_taxi, &
      type, abstract :: vehicles_vehicle
        class(strategies_transportation_strategy), allocatable :: transportation_strategy
        procedure :: set_transportation_strategy => vehicle_set_transportation_strategy
        procedure :: go => vehicle_go
      end type vehicles_vehicle
      type, extends(vehicles_vehicle) :: vehicles_taxi
        procedure :: init => taxi_init
      end type vehicles_taxi
      type, extends(vehicles_vehicle) :: vehicles_bus
        procedure :: init => bus_init
      end type vehicles_bus
        subroutine vehicle_go(this)
          class(vehicles_vehicle), intent(in) :: this
          call this%transportation_strategy%go()
        end subroutine vehicle_go
        subroutine vehicle_set_transportation_strategy(this, new_transportation_strategy)
          class(vehicles_vehicle), intent(inout) :: this
          class(strategies_transportation_strategy), intent(in) :: new_transportation_strategy
          if (allocated(this%transportation_strategy)) then
            deallocate (this%transportation_strategy)
          end if
          allocate (this%transportation_strategy, source=new_transportation_strategy)
        end subroutine vehicle_set_transportation_strategy
        subroutine taxi_init(this)
          class(vehicles_taxi), intent(out) :: this
          type(strategies_by_taxi_strategy) :: by_taxi_strategy
          call this%set_transportation_strategy(by_taxi_strategy)
        end subroutine taxi_init
        subroutine bus_init(this)
          class(vehicles_bus), intent(out) :: this
          type(strategies_by_bus_strategy) :: by_bus_strategy
          call this%set_transportation_strategy(by_bus_strategy)
        end subroutine bus_init
    end module vehicles


    program main
      use vehicles
      implicit none
      type(vehicles_taxi) :: taxi
      type(vehicles_bus) :: bus
      call taxi%init()
      call bus%init()
      call taxi%go()
      call bus%go()
    end program main

    At least works using gfortran 4.6 (20100925).