someone made me a piece of code, but after implementing the snippet, the error in the title accured.
This is the snippet:
It seems tep_db_fetch_assoc() is defined as $row, is this true, and why do I get this error then?
// Start auto fetch category image from product
if($categories['categories_image'] == "") {
$categories_img_query = tep_db_query("select products_image from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, products_to_categories pc WHERE p.products_id = pc.products_id AND pc.categories_id = '{$categories['categories_id']}' AND p.products_image IS NOT NULL order by p.products_id ASC");
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_assoc($categories_img_query)) {
if ($row['products_image'] <> 'noimage.jpg'
or !isset($categories['categories_image'])
) {
$categories['categories_image'] = $row['products_image'];
else {
$categories_img_parent_query = tep_db_query("select categories_id from categories WHERE parent_id = '{$categories['categories_id']}'");
while($categories_img_parent = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_img_parent_query)) {
$categories_img_query = tep_db_query("select products_image from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, products_to_categories pc WHERE p.products_id = pc.products_id AND pc.categories_id = '{$categories_img_parent['categories_id']}' AND p.products_image IS NOT NULL order by p.products_id ASC");
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_assoc($categories_img_query)) {
if ($row['products_image'] <> 'noimage.jpg'
or !isset($categories['categories_image'])
) {
$categories['categories_image'] = $row['products_image'];
// End auto fetch category image from product
tep_db_fetch_assoc Doesn't exist. You are are either missing a file that defines that function or the function name is incorrect. Try using the tep_db_fetch_array to see if it returns an assosciative array like tep_db_fetch_assoc is supposed to.