Search code examples

Realm Android DB Filtering

I am using RealmDB as my Android Local Storage. But, filtering is not working fine for me. E.g: If I've GOOGLE in the DB if I query for google it wouldn't show it up. If I've Google if I query for google same thing. Unless the name is well typed. I've tried to lower case my own result to filter. All to no avail. I extend a BaseAdapter to use in my AutoCompleteTextView.

    public Filter getFilter() {
    return new Filter() {
        protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence charSequence) {
            return null;

        protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults filterResults) {
            if (constraint != null) {
                //String query = constraint.toString().toLowerCase();
                mResult = filterStates(constraint.toString());
                Log.e(TAG, "" + mResult.size());
            } else {

    private List<RealmOutlet> filterStates(String query) {
    Realm mRealm = RealmUtils.getRealmInstance(mContext);
    return mRealm.where(RealmOutlet.class)
            /*.equalTo("channel", "distributor")
            .equalTo("isSent", true)*/
            .equalTo("name", query)
            .contains("name", query)
            .beginsWith("name", query)


  • Considering this seems to be the same code as , I think it should work if you replace

    private List<RealmOutlet> filterStates(String query) {
    Realm mRealm = RealmUtils.getRealmInstance(mContext);
    return mRealm.where(RealmOutlet.class)
            /*.equalTo("channel", "distributor")
            .equalTo("isSent", true)*/
            .equalTo("name", query)
            .contains("name", query)
            .beginsWith("name", query)


    private List<RealmOutlet> filterStates(String query) {
    Realm mRealm = RealmUtils.getRealmInstance(mContext);
    return mRealm.where(RealmOutlet.class)
            .contains("name", query, Case.INSENSITIVE)

    Although opening a new instance over and over again is bad practice.