Search code examples

Passing list in viewData MVC

I am trying to build a list with the name of the pages in order to create a breadcrumb. I am using this code in my layout:

<ol class="breadcrumb " style="margin-bottom: 0px;">
    @ViewData("Chemin") As New List(Of String)
    @If (Not IsDBNull(ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action").ToString())) Then
    End If
    @For i = 0 To ViewData("Chemin").Count - 1
    Next i

the problem is that I get an error on the line with .Add


EDIT : What I've tried since is

<ol class="breadcrumb " style="margin-bottom: 0px;">

                                    @If (Not IsDBNull(ViewData("Chemin"))) Then
                                        @Code Dim lst As New List(Of String)
                                            ViewData("Chemin") = lst
                                        End Code
                                            End If

                                    @If (Not IsDBNull(ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action").ToString())) Then
                                        @Code ViewData("Chemin").Add(ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action").ToString()) End Code
                                            End If

                                    @For i = 0 To ViewData("Chemin").Count - 1
                                    Next i

The problem is that I get each time only the actual page


  • This is what I've come up with :

    <ol class="breadcrumb " style="margin-bottom: 0px;margin-top: 10px;">
         @If Session IsNot Nothing Then
           @If ((Session("Chemin") Is Nothing) Or (ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action".ToString()) = "Index")) Then
                                                @Code Dim lst As New List(Of String)()
                                                    Session("Chemin") = lst
                                                End Code
                                                    End If
                                            @Code Dim values = ViewContext?.RouteData?.Values End Code
                                            @If (values IsNot Nothing) And (Not (ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action") Is Nothing) AndAlso Not Session Is Nothing AndAlso Not (Session("Chemin") Is Nothing) AndAlso Not Session("Chemin").Contains((ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action").ToString()))) Then
                                                @Code Session("Chemin").Add(ViewContext.RouteData.Values("action").ToString())
                                                    End Code
                                                End If
                                            @For i = 0 To Session("Chemin").Count - 2 Step 2
                                                @:<a href =@Url.Action(Session("Chemin").Item(i), Session("Chemin").Item(i + 1))>
                                            Next i
       End If