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How to change default error messages of MVC Core ValidationSummary?

Using MVC Core with ASP.NET Identity I would like to change the defaults error messages of ValidationSummary that arrived from Register action. Any advice will be much appreciated.

ASP.NET Core Register Action


  • You should override methods of IdentityErrorDescriber to change identity error messages.

    public class YourIdentityErrorDescriber : IdentityErrorDescriber
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresUpper() 
           return new IdentityError 
               Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresUpper),
               Description = "<your error message>"
        //... other methods

    In Startup.cs set IdentityErrorDescriber

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // ...   
        services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()

    The answer is from