I've just finished a singleton example of a Dictionary with the following code
at the file Recipes.swift
static let sharedInstance = Recipes()
var imagesOfChef = [Int : chefImages]()
struct chefImages {
var objidChef: String!
var imageChef: UIImage!
And when a process is finished i have this code
let singleton = Recipes.sharedInstance
singleton.imagesOfChef = self.imagesOfChef
So the singleton
has the same dictionary as the imagesOfChef
On the next view i want to access all the data of the Dictionary and set a background image of the button with one of the images that the Dictionary has.
So in the cellForItemAtIndexPath
I have the following code
let test = userPointer.objectId
let otherReferenceToTheSameSingleton = Recipes.sharedInstance
for i in 0...otherReferenceToTheSameSingleton.imagesOfChef.count - 1 {
print(otherReferenceToTheSameSingleton.imagesOfChef[i]!.objidChef) //it prints the object id's of the Chef normally
if otherReferenceToTheSameSingleton.imagesOfChef[i]!.objidChef == test! {
cell.avatarOutlet.setImage(otherReferenceToTheSameSingleton.imagesOfChef[i]!.imageChef, forState: .Normal) //but it doesnt set the Image as a background
So when the object id of the Chef matches the object id that is inside the Dictionary i want to set as background the image that is in the same row.
But it doesn't!
Although when the if statement
is correct if you see i try to print the image and i get
<UIImage: 0x1582c9b50>, {60, 60}
How is it possible to set this image as background??!?!
Thanks a lot!
Set the Button type custom if it is created programmatically
let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.Custom) as UIButton
If it is from Stroyboard change the type there.