I am new to PHP, and adapting a script from http://www.techrepublic.com/article/create-a-dynamic-photo-gallery-with-php-in-three-steps/ which generates a table of images in a directory along with some accompanying EXIF data. The only problem is that the code has not display the EXIF data. This happens with even the original source code. My best guess of what is happening is that something in the original source code is old and outdated, and no longer supported by modern PHP. I have made sure that my server has EXIF enabled.
Here's the code:
// define directory path
$dir = "path/to/directory";
// iterate through files
// look for JPEGs
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (preg_match("/.jpg/", $file)) {
// read EXIF headers
$exif = exif_read_data($file, 0, true);
// get image
echo "<tr><td rowspan='3'><img src='$dir/$file'></td>";
// get file name
echo "<th>Title</th><td>" . $exif['FILE']['FileName'] . "</td></tr>";
// get timestamp
echo "<tr><th>Year</th><td>" . $exif['IFD0']['DateTime'] . "</td></tr>";
// get image dimensions
echo "<tr><th>Description</th><td>" . $exif['IFD0']['Comments'] . "</td></tr>";
EDIT: I also get the following error logs:
20160815T185355: benxd.me/art/gallery.php
PHP Warning: exif_read_data(): Unable to open file in /hermes/walnaweb01a/b893/pow.hdemoras/htdocs/benxd/art/gallery.php on line 21
PHP Warning: exif_read_data(): Unable to open file in /hermes/walnaweb01a/b893/pow.hdemoras/htdocs/benxd/art/gallery.php on line 21
PHP Warning: exif_read_data(): Unable to open file in /hermes/walnaweb01a/b893/pow.hdemoras/htdocs/benxd/art/gallery.php on line 21
PHP Warning: exif_read_data(): Unable to open file in /hermes/walnaweb01a/b893/pow.hdemoras/htdocs/benxd/art/gal
In my code line 21 is $exif = exif_read_data($file, 0, true);
Try explicitly adding the full path and the list of sections:
$exif = exif_read_data($dir . $file, "FILE,COMPUTED,ANY_TAG,IFD0,THUMBNAIL,COMMENT,EXIF", true);
Source: http://php.net/manual/en/function.exif-read-data.php