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Native .tar extraction in Powershell

I have a .tar.gz file that I need to extract. I've handled the gunzip bit with the GzipStream object from System.IO.Compression, but I couldn't find anything for dealing with tarballs in that namespace. Is there a way to deal with .tar files natively in Powershell? Note that it's only important that I be able to call any such function/method/object construction/system binary from a Powershell script; it doesn't need to actually be written in powershell. (If it matters I'm using 64-bit windows 10)

P.S. please don't say "use 7zip"; that's not native


  • So it's been eleven days since I asked this and the general consensus is: "No, there are no native tools in a vanilla window install that can handle tar extraction 'for you'".

    This answer comes from Matthias R. Jensen and TessellatingHeckler, who both declined to answer outside of comments (I suspect due to not wanting to say "no" without an intimate knowledge of the entire Windows system architecture, which is fair).

    There are certainly scripts and classes and programs you can install, but nothing "native".