This is a pretty beginner question, but given that I render a complex shape in OpenGL which requires a lot of calculations, is there anyway to export that to a state like a model that can be opened again later given you wont edit it again?
I can't create them outside the program (with something like Blender) since the shape is computed when the program starts. The render then gets translated, rotated, drawn over, etc. Note, that I don't need to edit the shape though, but I do want it in a 3D state so saving an image isn't an option.
I'm using OpenTK 1.0, VB.NET (.NET 4)
The obvious possibility would be to write your vertices to a file, and then re-load them when needed. Unless you have specific reasons to do otherwise, it's probably best to use one of the many existing file formats for this, such as Wavefront OBJ, Ogre3d mesh XML files, etc.