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Lua Torch7 & OpenResty: attempt to index a nil value

I have a Lusty (framework for OpenResty) API that wraps a Torch classifier. So far, I've been able to get a single request to work, however each subsequent request to the API triggers the following error with no detailed stack trace:

attempt to index a nil value

The error appears to be thrown when I call:

net:add(SpatialConvolution(3, 96, 7, 7, 2, 2))

The behavior of successfully completing the 1st request while failing with each additional request is a clue to the problem.

I've pasted the full code below for app/requests/classify.lua. This appears to be some sort of variable caching/initialization issue, though my limited knowledge of Lua isn't helping me debug the problem. I've tried doing multiple things, including changing my imports to localized variables like local torch = require('torch') and also moving those imports to inside the classifyImage() function.

torch = require 'torch'
nn = require 'nn'
image = require 'image'
ParamBank = require 'ParamBank'
label     = require 'classifier_label'

function classifyImage()

  local opt = {
    inplace = false,
    network = "big",
    backend = "nn",
    save = "model.t7",
    img = context.input.image,
    spatial = false,
    threads = 4

  local SpatialConvolution = nn.SpatialConvolutionMM
  local SpatialMaxPooling = nn.SpatialMaxPooling
  local ReLU = nn.ReLU
  local SpatialSoftMax = nn.SpatialSoftMax

  local net = nn.Sequential()

  print('==> init a big overfeat network')
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(3, 96, 7, 7, 2, 2))
  net:add(SpatialMaxPooling(3, 3, 3, 3))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(96, 256, 7, 7, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialMaxPooling(2, 2, 2, 2))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(256, 512, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(512, 512, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(512, 1024, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(1024, 1024, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialMaxPooling(3, 3, 3, 3))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(1024, 4096, 5, 5, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(4096, 4096, 1, 1, 1, 1))
  net:add(SpatialConvolution(4096, 1000, 1, 1, 1, 1))
  -- print(net)

  -- init file pointer
  print('==> overwrite network parameters with pre-trained weigts')
  ParamBank:read(        0, {96,3,7,7},      net:get(1).weight)
  ParamBank:read(    14112, {96},            net:get(1).bias)
  ParamBank:read(    14208, {256,96,7,7},    net:get(4).weight)
  ParamBank:read(  1218432, {256},           net:get(4).bias)
  ParamBank:read(  1218688, {512,256,3,3},   net:get(7).weight)
  ParamBank:read(  2398336, {512},           net:get(7).bias)
  ParamBank:read(  2398848, {512,512,3,3},   net:get(9).weight)
  ParamBank:read(  4758144, {512},           net:get(9).bias)
  ParamBank:read(  4758656, {1024,512,3,3},  net:get(11).weight)
  ParamBank:read(  9477248, {1024},          net:get(11).bias)
  ParamBank:read(  9478272, {1024,1024,3,3}, net:get(13).weight)
  ParamBank:read( 18915456, {1024},          net:get(13).bias)
  ParamBank:read( 18916480, {4096,1024,5,5}, net:get(16).weight)
  ParamBank:read(123774080, {4096},          net:get(16).bias)
  ParamBank:read(123778176, {4096,4096,1,1}, net:get(18).weight)
  ParamBank:read(140555392, {4096},          net:get(18).bias)
  ParamBank:read(140559488, {1000,4096,1,1}, net:get(20).weight)
  ParamBank:read(144655488, {1000},          net:get(20).bias)


  -- load and preprocess image
  print('==> prepare an input image')
  local img = image.load(opt.img):mul(255)

  -- use image larger than the eye size in spatial mode
  if not opt.spatial then
     local dim = ( == 'small') and 231 or 221
     local img_scale = image.scale(img, '^'..dim)
     local h = math.ceil((img_scale:size(2) - dim)/2)
     local w = math.ceil((img_scale:size(3) - dim)/2)
     img = image.crop(img_scale, w, h, w + dim, h + dim):floor()

  -- memcpy from system RAM to GPU RAM if cuda enabled
  if opt.backend == 'cunn' or opt.backend == 'cudnn' then
    img = img:cuda()

  -- save bare network (before its buffer filled with temp results)
  print('==> save model to:',, net)

  -- feedforward network
  print('==> feed the input image')
  timer = torch.Timer()
  local out = net:forward(img)

  -- find output class name in non-spatial mode
  local results = {}
  local topN = 10
  local probs, idxs = torch.topk(out, topN, 1, true)

  for i=1,topN do
     print(label[idxs[i]], probs[i])
     local r = {}
     r.label = label[idxs[i]]
     r.prob = probs[i]
     results[i] = r

  return results

function errorHandler(err)
  return tostring( err )

local success, result = xpcall(classifyImage, errorHandler)

context.template = {
  type = "mustache",
  name = "app/templates/layout",

  partials = {
    content = "app/templates/classify",

context.output = {
  success = success,
  result = result,
  request = context.input

context.response.status = 200

Appreciate your help!

Update 1

Added print( net ) before and after local net and also after I call net:add. Each time before local net is initialized, it shows the value as nil. As expected, after initializing net it shows a torch object as the value. It appears something inside the :add call is creating the error, so I added the following immediately after declaring my classifyImage function:


After adding those new print statements, I get the following on the 1st request:


And then on the 2nd request:

table: 0x41448a08
table: 0x413bdb10

And on the 3rd request:

table: 0x41448a08
table: 0x413bdb10

Those look like pointers to an object in memory, so is it safe to assume here that Torch is creating its own global object?


  • When torch and its modules are required, it ends up creating a global instance of itself that stays in memory for the life of the process. The fix that worked for me was to reference Torch in the main app.lua file in Lusty and paste the following at the top:

    require 'torch'
    require 'nn'
    image = require 'image'
    ParamBank = require 'ParamBank'
    label     = require 'classifier_label'
    SpatialConvolution = nn.SpatialConvolutionMM
    SpatialMaxPooling = nn.SpatialMaxPooling
    ReLU = nn.ReLU
    SpatialSoftMax = nn.SpatialSoftMax

    The variables are in scope for classifyImage and now it succeeds with every request. It's a dirty fix, but since Torch is maintaining its own global objects I can't see a way around it.