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remove duplicates from list based on semantic similarity/relatedness

R + tm: How do I de-duplicate items in a list, based on semantic similarity? v<-c("bank","banks","banking", "ford_suv',"toyota_suv","nissan_suv"). My expected solution would be c("bank", "ford_suv',"toyota_suv","nissan_suv"). That is, bank, banks and banking to be reduced to one term "bank." SnowBall::stemming is not an option because I have to retain the flavor of newspaper styles of various countries. Any help or direction will be useful.


  • We could calculate the Levenshtein distance between words using adist and regroup them into clusters using hclust

    d <- adist(v)
    rownames(d) <- v

    Which gives a matrix of distance between terms:

    #              [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
    #bank              0    1    3    8    9    8    2   13    6     5     3     4
    #banks             1    0    3    7    9    7    2   13    6     6     2     5
    #banking           3    3    0    8   10    8    3   13    7     6     3     7
    #ford_suv          8    7    8    0    5    6    8   12    7     7     8     4
    #toyota_suv        9    9   10    5    0    6    9    7    4     9     9     9
    #nissan_suv        8    7    8    6    6    0    8   13   10     4     8    10
    #banker            2    2    3    8    9    8    0   12    6     6     1     6
    #toyota_corolla   13   13   13   12    7   13   12    0    8    13    12    12
    #toyota            6    6    7    7    4   10    6    8    0     6     7     5
    #nissan            5    6    6    7    9    4    6   13    6     0     7     6
    #bankers           3    2    3    8    9    8    1   12    7     7     0     6
    #ford              4    5    7    4    9   10    6   12    5     6     6     0

    Then we can pass it to hclust using method = ward.D

    cl <- hclust(as.dist(d), method  = "ward.D")

    Which gives:

    enter image description here

    We notice 4 distinct clusters (that we can illustrate using rect.hclust(cl, 4))

    enter image description here

    Now, we can turn this result into a data.frame and tag each cluster with it's shortest term:

    data.frame(group = cutree(cl, 4)) %>%
      tibble::rownames_to_column("term") %>%
      group_by(group) %>%
      mutate(tag = term[nchar(term) == min(nchar(term))]) 

    Which gives:

    #Source: local data frame [12 x 3]
    #Groups: group [4]
    #             term group      tag
    #            <chr> <int>    <chr>
    #1            bank     1     bank
    #2           banks     1     bank
    #3         banking     1     bank
    #4        ford_suv     2     ford
    #5      toyota_suv     3   toyota
    #6      nissan_suv     4   nissan
    #7          banker     1     bank
    #8  toyota_corolla     3   toyota
    #9          toyota     3   toyota
    #10         nissan     4   nissan
    #11        bankers     1     bank
    #12           ford     2     ford

    Should we want to extract only the unique tag for each cluster, we could add ... %>% distinct(tag) %>% .$tag to the pipe which would give:

    #[1] "bank"   "ford"   "toyota" "nissan"



    The (generalized) Levenshtein (or edit) distance between two strings s and t is the minimal possibly weighted number of insertions, deletions and substitutions needed to transform s into t (so that the transformation exactly matches t).


    This function performs a hierarchical cluster analysis using a set of dissimilarities for the n objects being clustered. Initially, each object is assigned to its own cluster and then the algorithm proceeds iteratively, at each stage joining the two most similar clusters, continuing until there is just a single cluster.

    Note: I used data provided by @Abdou in the comments as it represents a more complete use case