This code is going through .KAP files on a shared drive and creating CSV's on my local drive consisting of only the coordinate pairs of lat/lon extisting within the .KAP files.
Example of coordinate lines within a .KAP file
These coordinates will later be used to create polygons.
Problem: About half of the .KAP files will also maintain the first lat/lon coordinate pair as the last lat/lon coordinate pair. (Very useful for closing polygons, see how PLY/1 and PLY/4 above are the same). For some reason some .KAP files do not have this. See where I'm going?
How would I ensure that the first coordinate pair is always recorded as the last coordinate pair in all the output CSV's?
Here's my code so far:
import os
import zipfile
import csv
currentPath = r"K:\BsbProd\BSBCHS\BSB_4_Release"
for zip in [i for i in os.listdir(currentPath) if i.lower().endswith('.zip')]:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(currentPath, zip), 'r')
for each in [n for n in zf.namelist() if n.lower().endswith('.kap')]:
currentFile =
writer = csv.writer(open(r"C:\Users\PalmerDa\Desktop\BSB\{}.csv".format(os.path.basename(each)), "wb"))
for row in currentFile:
if row.startswith('PLY'):
col1, col2 = row.split(",")[1:]
rows = float(col1), float(col2)
When I had time to do it I came up with this solution to my own question:
import os
import zipfile
import csv
import glob
currentPath = r"K:\BsbProd\BSBCHS\BSB_4_Release"
for zip in glob.glob('{}/*.zip'.format(currentPath)):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(currentPath, zip), 'r')
for each in [n for n in zf.namelist() if n.lower().endswith('.kap')]:
currentFile =
writer = csv.writer(open(r"C:\Users\PalmerDa\Desktop\BSB2{}.csv".format(os.path.basename(each)), "wb"))
plys = [r for r in currentFile if r.startswith('PLY')]
for rr in plys:
col1, col2 = rr.split(",")[1:]
rows = float(col1), float(col2)
if plys[0] != plys[-1]: