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How to check if LinqDataSource is empty after selecting?

I have an asp.NET application where I use a LinqDataSource control to fill a ListView control. Here's the code for my LinqDataSource control's OnSelecting command:

protected void lds_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEvenArgs e)
    var db = new Models.EF.Entities();
    e.Result = from x in db.Sliders
                where x.IsPublic == true
                select x;

This works great but now I want to run an if statement in the case that the result is empty. How can I see if the result is empty?


  • Use the Any method. Plus, LinqDataSourceSelectEvenArgs stores the data as an object so cast so use the as to get the IEnumerable<T> on which you can run the Any:

    e.Result = (from x in db.Sliders
                where x.IsPublic == true
                select x);
    var collection = e.Result as IEnumerable<Slider>;
    if(collection != null && !collection.Any()) 
        /*your code*/