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How to use a static range and display members according a TOP(x) style query

We are trying to add a slider jquery widget, and would like to define a static range, say percentage from 0% to 100%. Then we would like to use the value from the slider in that range as the parameter for the TOP(x), as shown on the picture.

Is this possible? Any hints ?

enter image description here


  • I've created an example report for you, import it using the default [Sales] schema

    You could achieve this functionality by using the next sequence:

    1. Create Slider widget
    2. Open a widget options dialog and configure widget properties
    3. Select Query Wizard -> Query Type: Mdx Hierarchies
    4. Add single random hierarchy to bypass validation(it will be replaced)
    5. Setup the default value in Initial Selection (i.e. 10%)
    6. Add a code to your report javascript

    viz.filters.Slider.prototype.componentWillMount = function(){
              entities:new viz.EntityData(this.props.items),
    viz.filters.Slider.prototype.onBuildAllDone = function(){
        if(!_.isEmpty(this.state.range)) {
    function consumeEvent( context, event ) {                                
      if ( == 'ic3-report-init') { 
        // Following code will replace a data provider for Slider
        // with generated numbers. But to do so, you'll need UID of
        // the Slider widget, in this example it's "w1"
        var widget = event.value.widgetMgr().getItemById("w1");
        _.assign(widget.builder().guts_, {
          items:_.times(100, function(idx){
            return {
              name:idx + 1 + "%", 
              uniqueName:idx + 1