I am using AngellEye Library to send a test payment to a single receiver in Paypal. I was able to successfully request an adaptive payment authorization but is getting an error whenever I send a payment:
[Errors] => Array
[0] => Array
[Receiver] =>
[Category] => Application
[Domain] => PLATFORM
[ErrorID] => 579008
[ExceptionID] =>
[Message] => You must specify only one primary receiver and at least one secondary receiver
[Parameter] => 1
[Severity] => Error
[Subdomain] => Application
[Ack] => Failure
[Build] => 10273932
[CorrelationID] => 91304768d2d3b
[Timestamp] => 2014-04-20T22:06:56.756-07:00
[PayKey] =>
[PaymentExecStatus] =>
[RedirectURL] =>
[XMLRequest] => ReturnAllen_USPAYhttp://mydomain.com/user?tab=financialAPP-80W284485P519543T1Seller112.198.82.212USDEACHRECEIVERCraftersHub.Com Affiliate PaymentPA-3YM23894VM185730A10000.00usb_1329725429_biz@[email protected]://mydomain.com/paypal/[email protected]@mydomain.com1398056815
[XMLResponse] => 2014-04-20T22:06:56.756-07:00Failure91304768d2d3b10273932579008PLATFORMApplicationErrorApplicationYou must specify only one primary receiver and at least one secondary receiver1
The parameters I am sending to pay is below:
[PayRequestFields] => Array
[ActionType] => PAY
[CancelURL] => http://mydomain.com/user?tab=financial
[CurrencyCode] => USD
[IPNNotificationURL] =>
[Memo] => mydomain.com Affiliate Payment
[Pin] =>
[PreapprovalKey] => PA-3YM23894VM185730A
[ReturnURL] => http://mydomain.com/paypal/[email protected]
[ReverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError] => 1
[SenderEmail] => [email protected]
[TrackingID] => 1398056815
[ClientDetailsFields] => Array
[CustomerID] => 1
[CustomerType] => Seller
[GeoLocation] =>
[Model] =>
[PartnerName] =>
[Receivers] => Array
[0] => Array
[Amount] => 10000.00
[Email] => [email protected]
[InvoiceID] => 1398056815
[PaymentType] => SERVICE
[PaymentSubType] =>
[Phone] => Array
[CountryCode] =>
[PhoneNumber] =>
[Extension] =>
[Primary] => 1
[SenderIdentifierFields] => Array
[UseCredentials] =>
[AccountIdentifierFields] => Array
[Email] => [email protected]
[Phone] => Array
[CountryCode] =>
[PhoneNumber] =>
[Extension] =>
Can anybody point out how I could accomplish this? Thanks.
u need to change [FeesPayer] => sender and [Primary] => 'false' . this tells the api that there is only one sender and one receiver. check here https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/ for more info try this :
[PayRequestFields] => Array
[ActionType] => PAY
[CancelURL] => http://example.com/user?tab=financial
[CurrencyCode] => USD
[FeesPayer] => sender
[IPNNotificationURL] =>
[Memo] => example.com Affiliate Payment
[Pin] =>
[PreapprovalKey] => PA-3YM23894VM185730A
[ReturnURL] => http://example.com/paypal/[email protected]
[ReverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError] => 1
[SenderEmail] => [email protected]
[TrackingID] => 1398056815
[ClientDetailsFields] => Array
[CustomerID] => 1
[CustomerType] => Seller
[GeoLocation] =>
[Model] =>
[PartnerName] =>
[Receivers] => Array
[0] => Array
[Amount] => 10000.00
[Email] => [email protected]
[InvoiceID] => 1398056815
[PaymentType] => SERVICE
[PaymentSubType] =>
[Phone] => Array
[CountryCode] =>
[PhoneNumber] =>
[Extension] =>
[Primary] => 'false'
[SenderIdentifierFields] => Array
[UseCredentials] =>
[AccountIdentifierFields] => Array
[Email] => [email protected]
[Phone] => Array
[CountryCode] =>
[PhoneNumber] =>
[Extension] =>