While using IList<Dictionary<string, string>>
as parameter type in method declaration FXCop violation occurs
It doesnt nest generic type
IList<Dictionary<string, string>>
How can I resolve this?
Reason for that is:
A nested type argument is a type argument that is also a generic type. To call a member whose signature contains a nested type argument, the user must instantiate one generic type and pass this type to the constructor of a second generic type. The required procedure and syntax are complex and should be avoided.
It helps you to design a simpler interface. You have 3 cases:
attributeYou can try:
public void Method(Dictionary<string, string> param)
and use:
var list = new IList<Dictionary<string, string>>();
list.Add(new Dictionary<string, string>{{"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}});
list.Add(new Dictionary<string, string>{{"key11", "value11"}, {"key22", "value22"}});
foreach(var element in list)