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QuantumGIS MapServer and Web Client can not display standard HelloWorld Map

I have Kubuntu 12.04. I've installed QGIS MapServer according to the tutorial:

apt-get install qgis-mapserver libapache2-mod-fcgid

(And I also have a working apache2 server)

Then I've got a QGIS Web Client from git, configured it according to these steps:

  • sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-fcgid
  • cp apache-conf/qgis-web-client.conf.tmpl apache-conf/qgis-web-client.conf

Update the paths in the copied file then:

  • cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
  • ln -s .
  • sudo a2enmod rewrite
  • sudo a2ensite qgis-web-client.conf
  • sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
  • Check the symlink in cgi-bin is correct
  • Check the QGIS libs are in your /etc/ path
  • Copy site/index.xml and check paths match your system OR Modify index.html and point your browser to that

I don't understand what must be in the /etc/ path - maybe it is a problem? If I'm right, what am I must do to solve the problem? I have installed QuantumGIS but not from the source, but can it be so critical?

And also I have Internal Server Error on Is it normal?

I've copied the qgis-web-client/js/GlobalOptions.js.templ-4326 to qgis-web-client/js/GlobalOptions.js and nothing else.

So, here is a problem: I go to my, select the map (HelloWorld, NaturalEarth - doesn't matter), then I have a QGIS-Browser window. Very pretty but without any maps and layers - only message "Loading Map...". I've opened Chrome Debugger and followed the link

And I've seen this:

<ServiceExceptionReport xmlns="" version="1.3.0">
<ServiceException code="">
Configuration file problem : perhaps you left off the .qgs extension?

So, the question is how to display map in QGIS Web Client.


  • I just couldn't understand what pathes are to be checked in index.html - I had to replace /home/web/qgis-web-client/ with my actual Client path and the same thing is to be done with my GlobalOptions.js file.

    Еhe last but not the least thing to do is to switch off the GetCapabilities using: var useGetProjectSettings = false; (because of "Set this to false to use GetCapabilities for older QGIS Server versions (<= 1.8)." comment before that string)