I'm new to Ruby, so this may be straight forward. I have a partial which I want to essentially populate a list.
Here's my partial (.erb) code:
<% if locals.has_key? :sermon_commentary %>
<li><i class="material-icons">link</i><a href="<%= sermon_commentary %>">Matthew Henry's Commentary on <%= sermon_passage %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% if locals.has_key? :sermon_passage_lookup %>
<li><i class="material-icons">link</i><a href="<%= sermon_passage_lookup %>"><%= sermon_passage %> on Bible Gateway</a></li>
<% end %>
<% if locals.has_key? :sermon_audio_download %>
<li><i class="material-icons">music_note</i><a href="/audio/<%= sermon_audio_download %>" download="/audio/<%= sermon_audio_download %>">Download this sermon (MP3 ~5mb)</a></li>
<% end %>
And here's how I'm calling it in a .html.erb file:
:sermon_commentary => "https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/matthew-henry/Luke",
:sermon_passage_lookup => "https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+4%3A14-21&version=NIV",
:sermon_audio_download => "FUSE_7th_August.mp3",
:sermon_video => "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VzOYe8nUCS4?rel=0&showinfo=0"
However with the current code above, if I want multiple list items (say, a second 'sermon_passage_lookup' list item, it doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated. I think I need a
[something].each do |something|
But I'm not sure how to structure it. Thanks :)
EDIT: Implementing Taryn's fix
Thanks for all your help so far, Taryn. I now see the distinct differences between the hash and the array. I've set my partial template as per your suggestion:
<% if locals.has_key? :sermon_links %>
<% sermon_links.each do |link| %>
<i class="material-icons"><%= link[:icon] %></i>
<a href="<%= link[:hyperlink] %>"><%= link[:link_label] %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
And I'm using it as such:
:sermon_links => [
{ :icon => "link", :hyperlink => "http://www.facebook.com/", :link_label => "Testing" },
{ :icon => "link", :hyperlink => "http://google.com/", :link_label => "Testing2" }
Unfortunately I'm getting errors. Looks like the 'link' hash isn't being recognised? Here's what Chrome throws at me:
NameError at /resources/sermons/the-fifth-act/fuse-14-08-16.html
undefined local variable or method 'icon' for #<Middleman::Application:0x70168621815860>
if you make sure you pass in the sermon_passage_lookups
as an array (even if there's one item) then you can call each on them just as you mention eg:
<% if locals.has_key? :sermon_passage_lookups %>
<% sermon_passage_lookups.each do |sermon_passage_lookup| %>
<li><i class="material-icons">link</i><a href="<%= sermon_passage_lookup %>"><%= sermon_passage %> on Bible Gateway</a></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
a variation on your example given in the comments below:
Firstly the main .erb
template: I think you don't need the redundant word :link
here -> just put each link-set into the main array. Also you don't need the extra array around the link-hash eg all you need is:
:sermon_links => [
{ :icon => "link", :hyperlink => "http://www.facebook.com/", :link_label => "Testing" },
{:icon => "link2", :hyperlink => "http://google.com/", :link_label => "Testing2"} ]
ie include just the data you need, and nothing you don't.
This is a hash with the key of sermon_links
and the value is an array.
The array contains hashes - each one corresponding to the link-data you need to list.
Then, your partial template will need to access these hashes from the sermon_links
array. Your example in the comments is treating the values of the hash as though they are variable-name (eg <%= icon %>
) but that won't work... the only variable is named sermon_links
which you then use each
to turn each value into a single hash which you are naming link
, so you need to reference link
as a hash to get the icon out of it... like this:
<% if locals.has_key? :sermon_links %>
<!-- at this point we have the full `sermon_links` -->
<% sermon_links.each do |link| %>
<!-- now we have a single `link` from the set eg
- { :icon => "link",
:hyperlink => "http://www.facebook.com/",
:link_label => "Testing" } -->
<i class="material-icons"><%= link[:icon] %></i>
<a href="<%= link[:hyperlink] %>"><%= link[:link_label] %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>