I have vim-script function call ScreenShellSend("some string")
and I would like to be able to filter multiple lines to feed this function with a correct string.
How can I go from, for example, this:
//@brief: an example => TO LINE IS REMOVED
x: doing some stuff; //a comment => after // is removed
//a comment => this is removed
someVariable: 5;
//another comment => this is removed
anotherFunction:{[x] 2*x};
anExampleOfFunction:{[x;y] x: doing some stuff; :y; }; someVariable: 5; anotherFunction:{[x] 2*x};
You can use the following substitute
command to achieve your goal:
This removes comments and newlines.
For your example, it will give you the following result:
anExampleOfFunction:{[x;y] x: doing some stuff; :y; }; someVariable: 5; anotherFunction:{[x] 2*x};
Here is a function that does the same (except it will work with its argument instead):
function! Format(lines)
let lines = []
for line in a:lines
let new_line = substitute(line, '//.*', '', '')
call add(lines, new_line)
return join(lines)