Sorry in advance how I've written this..
In my Main.StoryBoard I have: UITextField (numeric), UILabel and UIButton.
I would like to:
Click UIButton
Take number from UITextField
Give corresponding 'word' and place in UILabel.
Lets say my numbers are in range from 1-9.
I'm having trouble linking the numbers with words and placing into the UILabel.
Is it best to use an NSArray or perhaps a Case Switch?
int num = [self.stringEntry.text intValue];
THEN... included NSArray of numbers and words correctly.
self.numberOneList = numberOneArray
self.wordOneList = wordOneArray
if (num <= 0 || num >= 10) {
self.wordLabel.text = @"Try a number between 1 and 9";
} else{
// what would I type here?
You can use NSDictionary
in this case. Keys can be numbers (0-9) and values can be respected word. Then just take the value from the textfield and check it against the dictionary using valueForKey: