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WebStorm giving "Project SDK is not defined" while editing .ebextensions/app.config

In WebStorm, I am getting a "Project SDK is not defined" prompt when editing the app.config file of my elastic beanstalk environment, and the file is full of red squiggly line errors, as follows: The error

When I click the "Setup SDK" link, I am taken to the following screen: Settings

What should I do to get WebStorm to recognize my app.config file?


  • The file type of Elastic Beanstalk config files are YAML, but from your screenshots, it looks like your WebStorm thinks that they are something else. To get WebStorm to treat config files as YAML, do the following:

    • Make sure the YAML Plugin is installed
      1. Hit Ctrl+Alt+S
      2. Type Plugins
      3. Click on Plugins on the left side
      4. Type YAML on the right side to install it or verify it's there already
    • Get WebStorm to treat *.config files as YAML
      1. Hit Ctrl+Alt+S
      2. Type File Types
      3. Click on File Types on the left side
      4. Click on YAML under Recognized File Types
      5. Click the green + button under Registered Patterns to add *.config

    WebStorm should then recognize your app.config file as a YAML file and no longer prompt you to set up an SDK while viewing it.