So I'm trying to take the time that Trello uses in their card due dates and compare it with Unix time, as I find it easier to deal with when I have two Unix timestamps. However, I'm unsure as how to convert it.
Trello timestamps look like this:
The first numbers are the date, and after the T is a time. The Z states that it's "Zulu time" which is the same as UTC.
So what I want to do is take that and convert it into a Unix timestamp using Lua.
Nevermind, I found out how to do it by looking closer at the os.time() function.
local function formatTime(s)
local y = tonumber(string.sub(s, 1, 4))
local m = tonumber(string.sub(s, 6, 7))
local d = tonumber(string.sub(s, 9, 10))
local h = tonumber(string.sub(s, 12, 13))
local mi = tonumber(string.sub(s, 15, 16))
local s = tonumber(string.sub(s, 18, 19))
local tbl = {
year = y,
month = m,
day = d,
hour = h,
minute = mi,
second = s,
isdst = (m>=3 and m<=10) --this is roughly close to DST, not perfect.
return os.time(tbl)
Using that, if I call the following:
it would return a Unix timestamp corresponding to that time. Hope this helps anyone with the same problem.