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Clustered GUID column and newsequentialid across servers

It is well known that using random values in a column with a clustered index isn't a good idea, which is why using GUIDs for a primary key with a clustered index is usually not recommended. Using the newsequentialid() function, we can overcome most of these difficulties.

However, what happens if you are generating your GUIDs on a farm of web servers, all hitting the same database? I am creating sequential IDs in .NET code using UuidCreateSequential as described in this article:

The problem is that while the resulting GUIDs are sequential from a single machine, the same is not true across multiple machines. Because the most significant 11 bytes (according to SQL Server) seem to stay pretty much the same for the same machine, it effectively sorts by machine and then time, rather than the desired opposite.

Would it be worthwhile and doable to reorder the bytes in the GUID to get near-sequential GUIDs between machines, or should I give up and make the indexes non-clustered?



  • After trying this, I'm going to answer my own question and say that generating sequential GUIDs (COMB GUIDs) from multiple machines as described in the question is a non-issue. Essentially you will have one separate sequence of IDs per machine, which will not result in page splits, since they will be appended to the end of different pages, and not in the middle of a page (as a new ID will always be the largest in its sequence).

    While a GUID may not be as efficient as an int, I have not had any problems using this approach with millions of rows per table.