I'm new to action script 3 so i will be picking your brains I lot.
I'm making a simple 5 min scoreboard for my workplace to use and now im stuck on making the reset button work.
I have made 3 buttons with instance of (start-btn, stop_btn and reset_btn) but I can't figure out the function code for the reset_btn. I need it to go back to 5:00 and stop so you can press start and begin counting from (5:00 or in my case 300) again.
This is my code so far:
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer;
var timeRemaining:int = 300;
showTime.text = formatTimeRemaining();
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startClock);
function startClock(event:MouseEvent):void
stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopClock);
function stopClock(event:MouseEvent):void
reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetClock);
function resetClock(event:MouseEvent):void
showTime.text = "300";
function onTimer( ev:TimerEvent ):void
if (timeRemaining < 0)
timeRemaining = 0;
showTime.text = formatTimeRemaining();
function formatTimeRemaining():String
var mins : int = int (timeRemaining / 60);
var minstr:String = mins < 10 ? "0" + mins:"" + mins;
var secs:int = timeRemaining % 60;
var secstr:String = secs < 10 ? "0" + secs:"" + secs;
return minstr+":"+secstr;
function loseGame():void
trace("Countdown is finished.");
showTime.text = formatTimeRemaining() + (" Time's Up!");
function resetClock(event:MouseEvent):void
timeRemaining = 300;
showTime.text = formatTimeRemaining();
Simply stop the timer, reset the timeRemaining
variable then display it.