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How would you traverse a directory and do some function on all files and combine the output in a memory efficient manner?


I need to traverse a directory over 100+ .txt files, open every one and do some function on each, then combine the results. These files are huge, on the order of 10GB. Some common operation in psuedocode might be:

foldr concatFile mempty $ openFile <$> [filePath1, ..., filePathn]
foldr countStuff 0      $ openFile <$> [filePath1, ..., filePathn]

The trick is to make sure all the files never exist in memory at the same time, my previous naive solution created all kinds of swap files on my mac. In addition, if one of the filePath is invalid, I'd like to just skip over it and go on with the program.

My Solution

Currently I'm using conduit and would like to find a solution using conduit if possible. But if it's not the right tool I'm fine with using something else.


  • You can nest conduit execution like this:

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import Conduit
    import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
    -- Process a single file
    processFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
    processFile path = runResourceT (sourceFile path =$= mapC BS.length $$ sumC) >>= print
    -- Run processFile for directory in a tree    
    doit :: FilePath -> IO ()
    doit top = runResourceT $ sourceDirectoryDeep False top $$ mapM_C (liftIO . processFile)

    Replace processFile with whatever you want to do -- including ignoring the file. My understanding is that the sourceFile Producer will efficiently chunk the contents of a file.

    And, according to this Yesod article, sourceDirectoryDeep should efficiently traverse a directory structure.

    The thing you apparently can't do with sourceDirectoryDeep is prune directories.