Search code examples

pandas extract list from dataframe

Suppose I have a dataframe like below:

51307   1417390467000   31.2899     121.4845    0   112609
51308   1417390428000   31.2910     121.4859    0   112609
51309   1417390608000   31.2944     121.4857    1   112609
51310   1417390548000   31.2940     121.4850    1   112609
51313   1417390668000   31.2954     121.4886    1   112609
51314   1417390717000   31.2965     121.4937    1   112609
53593   1417390758000   31.2946     121.4940    0   112609
63586   1417390798000   31.2932     121.4960    1   112609
63587   1417390818000   31.2940     121.4966    1   112609
63588   1417390827000   31.2946     121.4974    1   112609
63589   1417390907000   31.2952     121.4986    0   112609

I want to extract the location records in a polyline list, means to extract location of the records which have the same FSTR_ID and with the FINT_STAT equals to 1 :

0   112609    1417390608000 [[31.2944,121.4857],[31.2940,121.4850],[31.2954,121.4886],[31.2965,121.4937]]
1   112609    1417390798000 [[31.2932,121.4960],[31.2940,121.4966],[31.2946, 121.4974]]

How can I do that?

The orginal dataset can be generated by this code:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"FDT_DATE":{"0":1417390467000,"1":1417390428000,"2":1417390608000,"3":1417390548000,"4":1417390668000,"5":1417390717000,"6":1417390758000,"7":1417390798000,"8":1417390818000,"9":1417390827000,"10":1417390907000},"FFLT_LATITUDE":{"0":31.2899,"1":31.291,"2":31.2944,"3":31.294,"4":31.2954,"5":31.2965,"6":31.2946,"7":31.2932,"8":31.294,"9":31.2946,"10":31.2952},"FFLT_LONGITUDE":{"0":121.4845,"1":121.4859,"2":121.4857,"3":121.485,"4":121.4886,"5":121.4937,"6":121.494,"7":121.496,"8":121.4966,"9":121.4974,"10":121.4986},"FINT_STAT":{"0":0,"1":0,"2":1,"3":1,"4":1,"5":1,"6":0,"7":1,"8":1,"9":1,"10":0},"FSTR_ID":{"0":112609,"1":112609,"2":112609,"3":112609,"4":112609,"5":112609,"6":112609,"7":112609,"8":112609,"9":112609,"10":112609}})
df = df.sort(['FDT_DATE'])


  • You can insert list into pandas.DataFrame() only with .set_value() method. And the column type should be object.

    df = pd.DataFrame({"FDT_DATE":[1417390467000, 1417390428000, 1417390608000, 1417390548000,
        1417390668000, 1417390717000, 1417390758000, 1417390798000, 1417390818000,
        1417390827000, 1417390907000], "FFLT_LATITUDE":[31.2899, 31.291, 31.2944, 31.294,
        31.2954, 31.2965, 31.2946, 31.2932, 31.294, 31.2946, 31.2952],
        "FFLT_LONGITUDE":[121.4845, 121.4859, 121.4857, 121.485, 121.4886, 121.4937,
        121.494, 121.496, 121.4966, 121.4974, 121.4986],
        "FINT_STAT":[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
        "FSTR_ID":[112609, 112609, 112609, 112609, 112609, 112609, 112609, 112609,
        112609, 112609, 112609]})
    df = df.sort(['FDT_DATE']).reset_index(drop=True).reset_index()
    def func(x):
        global a
        global b
        if (x['index'] - x['FINT_STAT']) != x['index']:
            return a
            b += 1
            a = b
    # Create 't1' column for filter "1" groups in 'FINT_STAT' column
    a = 0
    b = 0
    df['t1'] = df[['index', 'FINT_STAT']].apply(lambda x: func(x), axis=1)
    # Initialize result dataframe
    df_res = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['t1'])[['FSTR_ID', 'FDT_DATE', 't1']].copy()\
    df_res = df_res.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
    # First create 'POLYLINE' column then convert it into 'object'
    df_res['POLYLINE'] = np.nan
    df_res['POLYLINE'] = df_res['POLYLINE'].astype(object)
    # Inserting list into dataframe is available with 'pd.DataFrame.set_value()
    for i in df['t1'].dropna().unique():
        df_res.set_value(df_res.loc[df_res['t1'] == i, 't1'].index.tolist()[0], 'POLYLINE',
             df.loc[df['t1'] == i, ['FFLT_LATITUDE', 'FFLT_LONGITUDE']].values.tolist())
    df_res = df_res.drop(['t1'], axis=1)

    The result is (your posted result is NOT sorted by 'FDT_DATE'):

       FSTR_ID       FDT_DATE                                                                            POLYLINE
    0   112609  1417390548000  [[31.294, 121.485], [31.2944, 121.4857], [31.2954, 121.4886], [31.2965, 121.4937]]
    1   112609  1417390798000                       [[31.2932, 121.496], [31.294, 121.4966], [31.2946, 121.4974]]