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5 individual audio channels in 1 file

Not sure where to put this question, so I apologize in advance.

I have a test set up with 5 speakers in a room, surrounding a pair of mics. I'm testing the sensitivity of the mics from the different angles of the speakers. I have an amp/mixer connected to them and have control of individual channels.

I want to put 5 channels of audio in a single file. With appropriate delays, I want only one speaker to play at a time. So channel 1 goes to speaker 1, channel 2 to speaker 2 and so on.

I've been using Audacity to create the files. However channel 4 and 5 plays in two speakers instead of one. And channel 3 sounds very weak. I suppose this is because of the 5.1 standard where channel 4/5 has to address 'rear-left/right' and channel 3 is for subs.

Is there a file format that will allow me to have pure individual channels going into the speaker? I'm not limited to the file format, but I've tried wav,ogg and flac so far.


  • In Audacity you have to check the 'Use custom mix' radio button in the Import/Export section of the preferences. This will let you export multi-channel files, and manually assign tracks to channels.

    Other than that, plain old .wav works fine for this.

    But you can also use SoX to create the files in a more automated manner.

    Manually you can combine (or 'merge' as it's referred to in the documentation) five distinct files into a single five-channel file like this:

    sox -M chan1.wav chan2.wav chan3.wav chan4.wav chan5.wav multi.wav

    To automate the process I put together a short Bash routine for producing a multichannel file with staggered test tones:

    NUM=5    # Number of channels
    LEN=2    # Length of each test tone, in seconds
    OVL=0.5  # Overlap between test tones, in seconds
    # A one-channel base file containing simple white noise.
    # faded at both end with a quarter wave envelope to ensure 
    # smooth equal power transitions
    sox -n -b 24 -c 1 out.wav synth $LEN whitenoise fade q $OVL -0 $OVL
    # Instead of white noise you can for example make a 1kHz tone
    # like this:
    # sox -n -b 24 -c 1 out.wav synth $LEN sine 1k fade q $OVL -0 $OVL
    # Or a sweep from 10Hz to 10kHz like this:
    # sox -n -b 24 -c 1 out.wav synth $LEN sine 10-10k fade q $OVL -0 $OVL
    # Produces a sequence of the number of seconds each channel
    # shall be padded with
    SEQ=$(for ((i=1; i<=NUM; i++))
      echo "$i 1 - [$LEN $OVL -]x * p" | dc  # reverse-Polish arithmetic
    echo $SEQ
    # Padding the base file to various degrees and saving them separately
    for j in $SEQ
      sox -c 1 out.wav outpad${j}.wav pad $j
    # Finding the just-produced individual files
    FIL=$(ls | grep ^outpad)
    # Merging the individual files into a single multi-channel file
    sox -M $FIL multi.wav
    rm $FIL  # removing the individual files
    # Producing a multi-channel waveform plot
    ffmpeg -i multi.wav -y -filter_complex "showwavespic=s=2400x900:split_channels=1" -frames:v 1 waveform.png
    # displaying the waveform plot
    open waveform.png

    As the waveform plot clearly shows, the result consists of a file with five channels, each with the same content, just moved about some in time:

    multichannel audio file with staggered and cross-faded test tones

    More on reverse-Polish arithmetic using dc:

    More on displaying waveforms using ffmpeg: