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KrakenJS controller routing

I have an admin controller controllers/admin.js that looks like this:

"use strict";

var AdminModel = require('../models/admin');

module.exports = function (router) {

    var model = new AdminModel();

    router.get('/admin', function (req, res) {



If I start the application, getting the URL of http://localhost:8000/admin gives me Cannot GET /admin. However, getting /admin/admin gives me Admin.

My question is how do I get rid of the controller file name in the path of the URL?


  • first option is remove admin from router.get in admin.js controller

    router.get('/admin', function (req, res) {

    second check configuration in config director

    config.json "router": { "module": { "arguments": [{ "directory": "path:./controllers" }] } }

    edit :

    third option create a folder admin in controllers folder copy index.js file from controllers folder result end url "/admin" (don't forget to change require location) and any other file in admin folder like "log.js" (path:"controllers/admin/log.js") create end url "/admin/log" by this method you an keep all admin code in different folder, this method helps managing large projects sometime to many folder also create mess ;)

    router.get in admin/index.js or in log.js

    router.get('/', function (req, res) {

    using third method in my two projects for more study on controllers directory configuration :