I am a little bit confused with subdomain point to S3 bucket.
I have domain called mydomain.com from NameCheap.com and my hosting server is Hostgater.
So my website is up and running.
I have a lot of mp3 files. So I have created Amazon S3 bucket call media.mydomain.com
So I got my static s3 website URL as follow. http://media.mydomain.com.s3-website-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/
I want to point this url to my subdomain, media.mydomain.com.
May I know how and where to point? NameCheap or Hostgator.
I have created subdomain in hostgator but it can only redirect to S3 URL
Thanks, Alex
You can make a new DNS record in Namecheap for this task
In your Namecheap account, go to Manage your domain, then Advanced DNS, and Add new Record with CName type
(with a dot . at the end)Save all changes and wait for about 1 hour for the new record to take effect.