I have a set of trading data that has observations in milliseconds but infrequent. To make it a reasonable timeseries I created a macro to build a grid (one observation per second). Now I want my dataset to fit into the grid (summing up the volumes that happened in that second and using the last quote/trade price. I am very thankful for any ideas. See code below.
%macro makeGrid;
proc sort data=data.inputdataset; by id date milliseconds descending type order; run;
options nomprint;
data data.outputgrid (keep=id date miliseconds type order);
set data.inputdataset;
by id date;
if first.date;
Type="grid"; Order=0;
%do i=((9*60*60)+(10*60)) %to ((16*60*60)+(50*60));
milliseconds=&i; output;
options mprint;
%mend makeGrid;
A very desperate try was this:
data data.merged;
merge data.outputgrid data.inputdataset;
by id date milliseconds;
if first.id then do;
if milliseconds collate = sum(volume)
ID date time price volume
ABC 01/01/15 0801000
ABC 01/01/15 0802000
ABC 01/01/15 0803000
ABC 01/01/15 0804000
Data example:
ID date time price volume
ABC 01/01/15 0800004 1,55 100
ABC 01/01/15 0800110 1,56 200
ABC 01/01/15 0800152 1,52 300
ABC 01/01/15 0800210 1,51 400
ABC 01/01/15 0800352 1,50 200
ABC 01/01/15 0800384 1,51 400
ID date time price volume
ABC 01/01/15 0801000 1,55 100
ABC 01/01/15 0802000 1,52 500
ABC 01/01/15 0803000 1,51 400
ABC 01/01/15 0804000 1,51 600
If there is no trade in that second, volume should be 0 and price the last second's price.
so, thanks to Chris I made the Grid without Macro, but the proc SQL is not working as I want.
data grid1;
do seconds = '09:10't to '16:50't ;
output ;
end ;
/* id=.;*/
/* date=.;*/
/* format ric $12. ;*/
/* format Date best12. ;*/
proc sql ;
create table want as
select a.id, a.date, a.miliseconds, sum(a.volume) as Volume
from have a
left join
grid1 b on a.id = b.id
and a.date = b.date
and a.miliseconds = floor(b.seconds)
group by a.id, a.date, a.miliseconds ;
So, id and date couldn't be found, so I created them in the data step. But then id isn't the same format, which I tried to fix but failed. It seems I have an error when merging the have dataset to the want by matching the miliseconds between the seconds gridlines. What am I missing? Always thankful for input! Best
First of all, thank you all for the answers. I figured how to do it. There might be an easier way but for me, this now is sufficient:
data data.test;
set data.taq;
next_full_sec = int((miliseconds-1) / 1000) + 1;
data data.grid;
do seconds = 1 to 86400;
proc summary data=data.test;
by ric date time next_full_sec;
var volume;
output out=data.int (drop=_type_) sum=;
proc sort data=data.test (keep=ric date) out=data.id_date nodupkey;
by ric date time;
proc sql;
create table data.testseconds as
select ric, date, time, seconds
from data.id_date, data.grid
order by ric, date, time, seconds
data data.testout;
data.testseconds (in=a rename=(fullseconds=next_full_sec))
data.int (in=b)
by ric date time next_full_sec;
if a;
if not b
then do;
_freq_ = 0;
volume = 0;
proc print noobs;