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How to use WOW.js in Angular 2 Webpack?

I know we need typings file for wow.js but I couldn't find it anywhere. Is there any other solution for loading this external js into webpack?


  • Do the following steps:

    1. Install exports-loader
          npm i exports-loader --save-dev
    2. Add to webpack.config.js this loader
              test: require.resolve('wow.js/dist/wow.js'), 
              loader: 'exports?this.WOW'
    3. Create typings.d.ts file in your typings folder:
          declare module "wow.js/dist/wow.js" {
              var noTypeInfoYet: any;
              export = noTypeInfoYet;
    4. add import to your *.component.ts file
          import * as WOW from 'wow.js/dist/wow.js';
    5. Use it well!
              new WOW().init();

    Of course you can use your own webpack configuration without exports-loader, etc...