im working with an LP model in python using PuLP
with CBC
. The model has a lot of constraints, and of course many of them are redundant. i will show an example of that.
#import libraries
from pulp import LpVariable, LpProblem, LpMaximize, lpSum, LpConstraint, LpStatus, value
prob = LpProblem("test_model", LpMaximize)
set_pt=[i for i in range(100)] #set of var
var = LpVariable.dicts("var",set_pt,lowBound=0,cat='Continuous')
# The objective function is added to 'prob' first
prob += lpSum([var[i] for i in set_pt]), "f(v)"
for i in set_pt:
prob += LpConstraint(var[i] <= 300000), "max margin "+str(i)
prob += LpConstraint(var[i] <= 30000000000), "ma2 margin "+str(i)
print 'solver begin'
# The status of the solution is printed to the screen
print "Status:", LpStatus[prob.status]
the result of this is:
solver begin
Status: Infeasible
of course in this example both constraints are obviously redundant and in the problem that im solving is a little bit more difficult to see witch of the constraints are redundant.
i don't know if the problem is with the solver (CBC
), so i can use maybe CPLEX
instead and solve the problem of the redundant constraints, or the problem is PuLP
and i need to use another library. Or maybe i need to model the problem to make it redundancy proof.
any guidance ? Thanks!
Edit: I tried with open solver (in excel) using CBC
and it worked, so i think that must be a problem with the implementation in PuLP
, or maybe im doing something wrong or maybe there is not way to add redundant constraint in PuLP
I didn't use pulp much, so i can't explain the internals here (which make your case fail), but you are using pulp's constraint-mechanism in a wrong way.
for i in set_pt:
prob += LpConstraint(var[i] <= 300000), "max margin "+str(i)
prob += LpConstraint(var[i] <= 30000000000), "ma2 margin "+str(i)
for i in set_pt:
prob += var[i] <= 300000, "max margin "+str(i)
prob += var[i] <= 30000000000, "ma2 margin "+str(i)
; needs importing)for i in set_pt:
prob += LpConstraint(var[i], LpConstraintLE, 300000), "max margin "+str(i)
prob += LpConstraint(var[i], LpConstraintLE, 30000000000), "ma2 margin "+str(i)
The latter is more like your initial approach. But your usage doesn't look like something the function expects (see docs)