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Rails 5 + Puma + Pow not working locally

I'm updating my rails app to 5.0.0.rc1 in a separate branch. App was already configured to run on puma 2.14, but I upgraded to puma 3.4.0 during the update process.

I ran rails update but kept my old puma config around because nothing changed except the plugins directive which I don't care about now.

Anyway, I cannot get my app to respond in development mode, but I deployed it a staging server to see if I could get better error logs and it actually works on staging.

Before, I could access my app locally using pow by visiting:

Now, that doesn't work. Neither does:

bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb

Nor does this:

bin/rails server puma

My logs just show something like this everytime:

Started GET "/" for at 2016-05-27 09:11:39 -0400
Started GET "/" for at 2016-05-27 09:11:44 -0400
Started GET "/" for at 2016-05-27 09:11:47 -0400
Started GET "/" for at 2016-05-27 09:11:50 -0400

They never make it to Rails for processing no matter how I attempt to start the server locally. And that's all the error info I get, too. Pow's logs are similarly useless.

Any ideas whats going on?


  • The emotional successor of pow(latest commit on the repo is from 6 November 2014) is puma-dev. According to their docs pow is a no-go for Rails 5. Maybe you should give it a go.