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Making an animation of Newton's Method for finding roots of a function

Earlier for my Calculus class, I had the idea to create a graph that would update itself to show the progression of Newton's Method for finding the roots of a function. So my question was, using Python and Sympy to handle all the messing calculus behind the issue, how was I going to graph this in an informative way.

On first glance, Sympy's latest library doesn't seem to offer any way to simply add multiple graphs onto an existing graph, which is a problem.

Hopefully someone finds the following answer of use :)


  • After about 2 days of work I've managed to come up with this solution however. I am still using Sympy as the backend for derivative computation and function input, but I am converting those expressions into lambda functions to generate values that I can feed into coordinates for Matplotlib. I've also cleaned up the code and added comments to the most important parts.

    To use this programme (only tested on Windows) I installed the latest Anaconda package.

    Created on Aug 10, 2016
    @author: Clement Hathaway
    Example: enter in:
    6*x**3 -73*x**2 -86*x +273
    from numpy import linspace
    from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
    from sympy import *
    from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset, solveset_real
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #from numpy.doc.constants import lines
    def distanceFromRoot(x, values):  ## Return the lowest distance between the supplied roots
        currentDistance = abs(x-values[0])
        if len(values) > 1:  ## Only run if there is more than one root
            for value in values:
                newDist = abs(x-value)
                if newDist < currentDistance:
                    currentDistance = newDist
        return currentDistance
    def generateTangents(x0, real_roots, accuracy):
        if distanceFromRoot(x0, real_roots) > accuracy: ## Continue if the value we have calculated is still too far from a real root
            tangent = simplify(dy.subs(x, x0)*(x-x0)+(y.subs(x,x0))) ## Find equation of tangent at our x0
            tangent_intercept = solve(tangent, x)[0]                 ## Find tangent's x intercept
            lam_tan = lambdify(x, tangent, modules=['numpy'])        ## Function to generate y values of the tangent line
            tan_y_vals = lam_tan(x_values)                           ## Y values of the tangent line to plot
            text.set_text("Current x-estimate:  " + str(N(tangent_intercept))) ## Display estimate
            plt.plot(x_values, tan_y_vals, 'b-')                     ## Plot our new y values with a colour of blue and a ocnsistent line
            plt.draw()                                               ## Draw the plot
            plt.pause(0.5)                                             ## Pause for 1 second before drawing the next line
            generateTangents(N(tangent_intercept), real_roots, accuracy)     ## Call itself again recursively
        else: ## Do nothing
            ## Display some ending text
            print("Found value to be: " + str(x0))
            print("With real roots: " + str(real_roots))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ## Equation
        x = symbols('x')
        y = parse_expr(str(raw_input("Enter Equation: ")))
        dy = diff(y, x) ## Differentiate y in terms of x
        x0 = float(input("Enter starting value for x: "))
        roots = solveset_real(y, x) ## Find roots of y in terms of x
        roots_array = [] ## Get in terms of array
        for root in roots:
        ## Setup Values
        x_min = int(input("Enter x-axis min: "))
        x_max = int(input("Enter x-axis max: "))
        y_min = int(input("Enter y-axis min: "))
        y_max = int(input("Enter y-axis max: "))
        res = 200
        ## Convert to use with other library
        lam_y = lambdify(x, y, modules=['numpy'])   ## Functions of our main func
        lam_dy = lambdify(x, dy, modules=['numpy']) ## Differential of our eq
        ## Calculate starting values
        x_values = linspace(x_min, x_max, res)      ## Array of x values between xmin and max seperated by res
        y_values = lam_y(x_values)                  ## Calculated y values
        ## Graph Setup
        plt.axis([x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max])      ## Setup graph axis
        plt.grid()                                  ## Enable the graph grid
        plt.ion()                                   ## Make graph interactive to add future lines
        ## Plot main Function
        y0_values = linspace(0,0, res)
        plt.plot(x_values, y_values, 'g-', linewidth=2)
        plt.plot(x_values, y0_values,'k-', linewidth=2) ## Create more noticable x axis
        text = plt.text(0,5,"Current x-estimate:  " + str(x0), fontsize = 30)
        ## Start generating tangent lines! weo
        generateTangents(x0, roots_array, 0.0000001)
        ## Keep the graph from disappearing