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The length of HList type paremeter in terms of Nat

Suppose I have a method without params. How can I determine a length of type parameter?

def func[T <: HList]: Nat = {
  // some magic


  • You can use ops.hlist.Length operation to calculate the Nat length of an HList.

    Also, getting it as an opaque Nat is not very useful, because you lose all the type-level information about the actual number. So you have to get the exact Nat type from the function:

    import shapeless._
    import shapeless.ops.hlist.Length
    def func[T <: HList](implicit len: Length[T]): len.Out = len()


    scala> natLen[Int :: String :: HNil]
    res1: shapeless.Succ[shapeless.Succ[shapeless._0]] = Succ()

    Getting the length as an Int seems more tricky. It seems you can't use ops.nat.ToInt, because it would require a N <: Nat type parameter and basically make it useless:

    def uselessIntLen[T <: HList, N <: Nat](implicit 
      len: Length.Aux[T, N], 
      toInt: ToInt[N]
    ): Int = toInt()

    I've found the following workaround using HKernel (of course, it's also possible to write a new typeclass IntLength manually). Maybe someone can help with a more direct built-in method:

    import shapeless.ops.hlist.HKernelAux 
    def intLen[T <: HList](implicit ker: HKernelAux[T]): Int = ker().length


    scala> intLen[Int :: String :: HNil]
    res2: Int = 2