I have the following situation in a struts 1 application.
The old functionality of the application works with struts 1 and has the following servlet mapping (i think it is the standard way of doing things).
I wrote some new functionality (json webservices) also in struts 1 with struts Actions.
I would like these urls to be available without the .do extension but the old url's should still work with the *.do extension.
I have tried several things like a / url pattern but this breaks the loading of static resources.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I have solved this problem in a different way. I used the tuckey url rewriter to accmplish my goal.
I made the rewriter redirect
services/someService?parma1=value1¶m2=value2 to severices.someService.do?parma1=value1¶m2=value2
The configuration in urlrewrite.xml for this looks like this
<urlrewrite use-context="true">
<to last="true">/someService.do?%{QUERY_STRING}</to>
The rest of the information can be found in the manual.