I want to pass variable to wherehas query in laravel.. but getting an error of undefined variable, In method, if has nature then go where has natures equal to $catname... in line no. 4
public function Products($catname,Request $request) //Product Category Pages
$natures = Nature::where('nature_slug', '=', $catname)
{ //Where Clause Based On Products Nature
$maxproductscost = Product::selectRaw('MAX(ABS(price)) AS HighestPrice')
->whereHas('natures', function($q) use ($catname)
$q->where('nature_slug', '=', $catname);
$maxproductscost = ceiling($maxproductscost->HighestPrice, 100);
/*End - GEt Maximum cost of product*/
$range = $request->range;
$pieces = explode(" ", $range);
$rangestart = $pieces['1'];
$rangeend = $pieces['4'];
$firstslidervalue = $request->range ? $rangestart : 0;
$secondslidervalue = $request->range ? $rangeend : $maxproductscost;
$sorting = $request->sorting ? $request->sorting : '';
$products = Product::whereHas('natures', function($q)
$q->where('nature_slug', '=', $catname);
//Where Clause Based On Products Nature is General
/*GEt Maximum cost of product*/
$maxproductscost = Product::selectRaw('MAX(ABS(price)) AS HighestPrice')
->where('ptype', '=', $catname)
->whereHas('natures', function($q)
$q->where('nature_slug', '=', 'general');
$maxproductscost = ceiling($maxproductscost->HighestPrice, 100);
/*End - GEt Maximum cost of product*/
$range = $request->range;
$pieces = explode(" ", $range);
$rangestart = $pieces['1'];
$rangeend = $pieces['4'];
$firstslidervalue = $request->range ? $rangestart : 0;
$secondslidervalue = $request->range ? $rangeend : $maxproductscost;
$sorting = $request->sorting ? $request->sorting : '';
$products = Product::where('ptype', '=', $catname)
->whereHas('natures', function($q)
$q->where('nature_slug', '=', 'general');
$products->whereBetween('price', [$rangestart, $rangeend]);
if($sorting == 'low')
$products->orderByRaw('(ABS(stock) > 0) desc, (case when ABS(stock) > 0 then ABS(price) end) asc, (case when ABS(stock) = 0 then ABS(price) end) asc ');
} else
$products->orderByRaw('(ABS(stock) > 0) desc, (case when ABS(stock) > 0 then ABS(price) end) DESC, (case when ABS(stock) = 0 then ABS(price) end) DESC ');
$products->orderByRaw('(ABS(stock) > 0) desc, (case when ABS(stock) > 0 then id end) DESC, (case when ABS(stock) = 0 then id end) DESC ');
$products = $products->paginate(12);
$user = Auth::user();
return view('products',compact('user','catname','products','maxproductscost','firstslidervalue','secondslidervalue','sorting'));
To pass a variable to closure you have to use the use() function
$products = Product::whereHas('natures', function($q) use($catname)
$q->where('nature_slug', '=', $catname);